Friday, September 18, 2009

Apple Time

Went to Klackle Orchards yesterday and had a ton of fun with the girls. They have added so much since last year it was like we had never been there before.

Riding the tractor to get apples

Not a flattering picture but really funny!

We went so early in the season that we were the only ones there. It was neat because I could let Danielle run around without thinking I was going to lose her in a sea of kids!

I don't think Danielle was suppose to be in the back but it worked. These are a great new way to haul your kids around the orchard.

Carley sorting rocks

Gambling and drinking in the saloon! They made an old west "mini" town. It was so cool to go into all the different buildings

Danielle loves these tire horses

1 comment:

Corie said...

Looks like you had a great time! We are hoping to visit an orchard too this season once we get moved and settled in. We missed seeing you over Labor Day. Your kids are growing so fast are are too cute!